Crafting the Perfect Event with Culpeper Parks & Recreation
The complimentary video for the audio podcast I made in project seven!
Video by Summer Koontz from, streamed by Microsoft Stream
The Topic of My Video
What my video is about and online resources to support my topic!
For my video project, I made a complimentary video to go along with the audio podcast I made in project 7 titled, “Crafting the Perfect Event with Culpeper Parks & Recreation”. In the video I discuss the ins and outs for creating a successful social event for the public with the advice of Culpeper Parks & Recreation, as they host several popular events every year. Within the video, I (Summer Koontz) interview the department’s Recreation Superintendent, Director and Parks Superintendent as they examine the aspects of planning, advertising and physically making an event come to life.
As I mentioned previously in project 7 when making my audio podcast, I found two helpful online resources that further discuss the important points of crafting a successful event! They are as follows:
- The Event Planning Guide from and provided by Henrico Recreation & Parks gives extremely detailed, and further in-depth notes of all the elements that go into planning an event for the public.
- The Event Planning Steps, Tips & Checklist for planning your public event created by displays an easy to understand list and descriptions for everything needed to plan a successful event. This includes all the equipment needed from start to finish, different templates to use to stay organized throughout the process, volunteers, how to advertise effectively, etc.
The Process for Making My Video
The camera, editing software and streaming platform I chose to use for my video, and why!
While I was recording videos for my project, I was also taking pictures for my job with Culpeper Parks & Recreation. So, I used my IPhone 12 to record the videos taken, as it was the easiest to carry while also having a camera. Speaking of cameras, all of the pictures used in the video were taken by me on a Nikon D3500. Once I uploaded the pictures I wished to use for my project, I used Adobe Lightroom to edit the photos and Adobe Photoshop to add text to the photos. Furthermore, videos I used were edited together by Apple’s IMovie. I decided on this platform because I was the most familiar with it, and I find it to be extremely user-friendly for the type of video I was wishing to create. As far as the streaming platform I chose, I wanted to try something new, so although I was the most familiar with YouTube, I had never really heard of Microsoft’s Stream before. Therefore, I wanted to try it out – and I found it very helpful and straight-forward when it came to editing captions and transcripts for the video!
Credits and Attributions for My Video!
Giving the proper recognition for everything that made my video come to life!
- Video and photo attributions:
All videos are by Summer Koontz from recorded on IPhone 12’s Camera Application
Video of Culpeper Parks and Recreation’s Facebook page by Summer Koontz from
All photos are by Summer Koontz from taken on a Nikon D3500 camera
- Audio, music and sound effect attributions:
Audio by Summer Koontz from IPhone’s Voice Memos Application
Crowd chattering, heavy machinery and children in crowd chattering sound effects by Summer Koontz from IPhone’s Voice Memos Application
Introduction music: “Jetsonmade – Racket (Piano) + (Clap)” from
Conclusion music: “Vocal – Dumb 6” from
- Editing attributions:
Photos edited by Summer Koontz from Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop
Videos edited by Summer Koontz from Apple IMovie
Audio edited by Summer Koontz from
Video streamed by Summer Koontz from Microsoft’s Stream